I am a Veterinary Surgeon by training, but a writer by birth. I have been making up stories for as long as I can remember. The first story I shared was called "The Castaways", and I read it over the scratchy school intercom system at lunchtime in 1967.
In 1972, age 12, I submitted my first novel, "Thoroughbred" (45,000 words) to the Moomba Arts Festival and was rewarded with a third-place prize in the young writers section.
School and University intervened, and it was some years before I had my first short story, "The Reef", published in Billy Blue magazine (Vol 54, October 1981, 23-34).
After finishing a BVSc, PhD and small animal surgical residency, I found time to revisit my first love.
In 1995, my short story, "Sunset Sonata", was awarded equal third place in the Todhunter Literary Awards. I was in good company; all three of my fellow recipients went on to become widely published in fiction, poetry and theatre.
The following year another short story, "Turning Points" was shortlisted in the 1996 Ian St James Awards, and published in the New Writer magazine (Vol 8, May 1997, 4-9).
"This is an exceptionally well-written story, with a good deal of effective prose and strong characterisation" Ian St James Judge.
Now I am retired from being a vet, so it's time to launch my new career ...